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Husqvarna Automower ® 305

Husqvarna Automower ® 305

SKU: 9679740-03
Sales Tax Included

Husqvarna Automower® 305 features a compact design and is ideal for smaller, complex gardens up to 600 m2, easily handling slopes with an incline of 40%.

*Subject to T&Cs

  • Features

    Automower® Connect@HOME

    The Bluetooth® solution, Automower® Connect@HOME, gives you full control of the mower right in your smartphone. You can easily send start, stop and park commands, check and adjust the settings. Bluetooth® communication up to 30 metres range. Standard for all 300-400 series.

    Systematic Passage Mowing

    To deliver excellent cutting results everywhere, the robotic mower can be set to automatically switch mowing pattern from random mode to systematic mode in narrow passages.

    Easy cleaning

    You can wash the exterior and underneath of the robotic mower with a garden hose. By using the attached maintenance tool, the cover can easily be removed, for easy cleaning and reachability everywhere.

    Frost guard

    The robotic mower automatically interrupts the mowing schedule in frosty conditions, helping to protect the lawn.

    • Weather timer
    • Automatic passage handling - PATENTED
    • Guide wire - PATENTED
    • Manages slopes up to 40%
    • Remote start points x3
    • Flexible charging station placement
    • Spiral cutting
    • Spot cutting
    • Profiles
    • Replaceable top covers
    • Easy height adjustment
    • Graphic menu display, medium-sized
    • Reliability
    • Excellent cutting result
    • Silent
    • Unique cutting system
    • No emissions
    • Theft protection by alarm/PIN code
    • Automatic charging
    • Low energy consumption
    • Scheduling
    • Lift & Tilt sensors
    • Weather proof

    Weather timer

    Adjusts the working time to the lawn’s growth rate, meaning that Husqvarna Automower® will maximize its mowing time during periods of strong grass growth. In sunny or dry weather, or late in the season, the mower will spend less time mowing, which decreases wear on lawn and mower.Automower® Connect@HOMEThe Bluetooth® solution, Automower® Connect@HOME, gives you full control of the mower right in your smartphone. You can easily send start, stop and park commands, check and adjust the settings. Bluetooth® communication up to 30 metres range. Standard for all 300-400 series.Systematic Passage MowingTo deliver excellent cutting results everywhere, the robotic mower can be set to automatically switch mowing pattern from random mode to systematic mode in narrow passages.Easy cleaningYou can wash the exterior and underneath of the robotic mower with a garden hose. By using the attached maintenance tool, the cover can easily be removed, for easy cleaning and reachability everywhere.Frost guardThe robotic mower automatically interrupts the mowing schedule in frosty conditions, helping to protect the lawn.Weather timerAutomatic passage handling - PATENTEDGuide wire - PATENTEDManages slopes up to 40%Remote start points x3Flexible charging station placementSpiral cuttingSpot cuttingProfilesReplaceable top coversEasy height adjustmentGraphic menu display, medium-sizedReliabilityExcellent cutting resultSilentUnique cutting systemNo emissionsTheft protection by alarm/PIN codeAutomatic chargingLow energy consumptionSchedulingLift & Tilt sensorsWeather proofWeather timerAdjusts the working time to the lawn’s growth rate, meaning that Husqvarna Automower® will maximize its mowing time during periods of strong grass growth. In sunny or dry weather, or late in the season, the mower will spend less time mowing, which decreases wear on lawn and mower.

  • Specifications


    Working area capacity

    600 m² ±20%

    Charging system


    Maximum slope performance inside installation

    22 °

     Cutting deck

    Cutting system

    3 pivoting razor blades

    Cutting width

    22 cm

    Cutting Height, min-max

    20-50 mm


    Product Size, LxWxH

    57x43x25 cm


    User Interface

    Keypad and display/App


    MonoChrome Graphical Display 2,8”





    PIN code


    Installation lock


    Time lock


    GPS Theft tracking


    Lift sensor


    Tilt sensor


    Ultrasonic sensor


    Handle type


    Wheel threads


    Extra blades

    3 pcs

    Loop wire

    0 m


    0 pcs

     Sound and Noise

    Sound level Guaranteed

    59 dB(A)

  • Description

    The four-wheel platform together with systematic passage handling provide effective operation, and the triple-search function facilitates the fastest way home to the charging station. Equipped with weather timer, frost guard and Automower® Connect@Home. Easily cleaned and washed off with a hose.

    • Working area capacity

      600 m² ±20%

    • Maximum slope performance inside installation

      40 %

    • Maximum slope performance at boundary

      15 %

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